Thursday 1 November 2012

Heavenly Desserts Birmingham

We felt a little peckish in the office today finding the conversation soon turning to the “ideal snack". The banter picked up and one of the girls mentioned “Heavenly Desserts”.This was a new name for me, so I quickly google searched them i came across the Heavenly Desserts facebook page.

It seems ladies from up and down the UK travel out of there way to visit this store, I found myself thinking I’m missing out on something epic here.

Looking further into their FB page I came across a few menus, they had some interesting combination for desserts.

Heavenly Desserts Birmingham Menu

What’s all the fuss about its only a bit of Ice Cream?

I’ve heard the saying  “food is the way to a mans heart” how about “when that man lets you down, desserts are a way to relive a stressed heart” (my own creation, thank you) anyway they have a few healthy options, by healthy I mean containing real fruit so you wont feel guitly after a dessert.
We hope to review how there creations taste very soon...



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