Sunday 26 May 2013

Fashion shopping in Paris – Top 3

Paris View
Image Credit: saxman772
Bonjour! I am sure you already have an idea on which country I am going to focus on today. Yes, you got it right…it’s Paris. It is impossible to exclude Paris when we are talking about shopping. Though known as the city of love, Paris is also known for its beautiful antiques and of course, an unforgettable shopping experience for everyone from all walks of life.

First up, we have Carrousel De Louvre, open seven days a week and located in the heart of Paris, the Carousel De Louvre is an ideal shopping center to hit if you are looking for high quality yet exclusive items.

Imge Credit: RoseBennet

Second on the list, Les Halles and Rue De Rivoli. If you are into quirky contemporary shopping or maybe something fresh from the runway by young cutting-edge designers, then this will be an absolute paradise for you. Exclusively known to be a hub filled with trendy boutiques, Les Halles and Rue De Rivoli is a must visit when you are in the city of love, Paris.
Image Credit: ScottSmith
Last but definitely not the least, Forum Des Halles shopping center, it is impossible to write about shopping in Paris and not include this stop. Not only focused on luxury and exclusive items, this Parisian mall includes many stores in the mid-range as well. One thing for sure, this mall will always top the list where convenience and variety is concerned. Zara, Sephora, Swarovski… you name it, you get it.
Image Credit: Carlsizer
Voila, now that I am done listing them, it is time for you to polish your French and bonjour your way to shop in Paris!

Nasheerah Salim

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